Alvin Alexander, Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
As a brief note today (May 2, 2022), Alvin Alexander is now a Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO), certified by the Scrum Alliance. This is in addition to his many years of leading agile software teams in Scrum, Scrum-like, and Scrumban environments, and also being a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM).

Valley Programming is currently a one-person business, owned and operated by Alvin Alexander. If you’re interested in anything you read here, feel free to contact me at “al” at (“@”) this website name (“”), or at the phone number shown below. I’m just getting back to business here in November, 2021, and eventually I’ll get a contact form set up here, but until then, I hope that works.
Recent blog posts
- Free Scala and functional programming video training courses
- Free: Introduction To Functional Programming video training course
- The #1 functional programming (and computer programming) book
- The User Story Mapping Workshop process
- Alvin Alexander, Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
- Alvin Alexander is now a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)
- Our “Back To Then” app (for iOS and Android)
- A Docker cheat sheet
- Pushing a Scala 3 JAR/Docker file to Google Cloud Run
- Reading a CSV File Into a Spark RDD (Scala Cookbook recipe)